Warning! Using This Medium Protein Diet and Fitness Plan Causes You To Lose Body Fat and Gain Toned Muscle Fast!
The Easy Diet Exercise Fitness Plan
Diet, Exercise and Fitness are the cornerstone of superior health as well as elite performance. The Best Diets in the world are properly balanced using proper nutrient timing with a balance of high, medium and low complex carbohydrates and healthy proteins and fats. Yes proteins and fats are especially necessary and are usually overlooked – to the detriment of the person on the diet plan! The plan is as simple as it is effective and that's why that call them Easy Diets.
Medium amounts of protein and healthy fats provide the fuel and muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve cell repair that keep your metabolism high and your performance even higher. You will not excel at any sport if you are deficient in protein and healthy fats, particularly the omega 3's. When you combine these nutrients with sport and exercise specific supplements you give yourself the edge to beat your personal best, time and time again.
Medium Protein Diet
Nutrient Timing and Effective Ratios of Protein, Carbs and Fats are critical for the ultimate advantage in performance and recovery. Before you workout you should have taken some complex carbs (those with a low Glycemic Index or GI) which burn slowly if you are chosing to perform and endurance type event. You would ideally combine it with medium proteins like, Hemp, Lean organic meats, Whey or Greens proteins. Add to that some coconut oil, olive oil or omega 3's. Then wait for an hour then hit the workout or sport performance.
If you're doing a more high motor sport or activity you will want to add some simple carbohydrates to the mix. Ones that will give you instant energy until the slower burning ones kick in. Best are honey, organic maple syrup, fruits and fruit juices. I don't recommend taking raw glucose, dextrose, or sucrose as these are rough on your body in the long term, and I want to see you healthy and disease free for the long haul. And using natural foods when possible is the best thing you can do, particularly when organic and or ethically raised.
How Insufficient Protein Stops Your Metabolism and Slows Your Performance:
Visit The DietSolutionProgram for free videos and recipes.
Plan for Fitness
After you get your diet plan in order you need to combine it with an exercise plan that matches the intensity of your sport or fitness goals precisely. When you get this part right your results will break through and you will set new personal records. Ideally you should be exercising to match the exact level of intensity that your sport, fitness plan or exercise contest require. You may want to include visualization as it is scientifically proven to activate the exact neural pathways and activate the same muscle fibers as when you are doing it live. Ask any Olympic athlete, they do it all the time!
The Protein Diet Exercise Plan
Isabel, who is shown in the before and after pictures below, dramatically changed her diet and fitness plan and that changed her life in only a few short months. She's even developed a meal planning and information website based upon her failures and her successes that you can follow and learn by. Isabel has been very successful as you can easily see. Read her transformation story and you'll find the information and motivation to step into her heels and be who you were meant to be.
If you apply what she is doing to your personal goals, you too will be on your way to a more healthy, fit, attractive and beautiful you. And one that performs at the top levels of your individual goals too! She has plenty of great nutrition tips and healthy recipes with the proper protein, carb and healthy fat ratios. Time to step into your new toned, sculpted and ripped body!
Start now by getting your free recipe tips and exercise plans at Diet Solution Program website. I applaud your taking action for your future and feeling better right now! Imagine how you'll feel when you show up for the next holiday, and surprise them with this new version of you! Click on the Diet Solution book to Get Started Now!